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Staff asked to provide plan for School Board advisory committees

By MEGHAN BRADBURY - | Dec 13, 2024

Dr. Ken Savage

District staff was tasked with coming back to the School Board with a preliminary plan of board advisory committees during its Tuesday meeting, as they are currently suspended.

Deputy Superintendent Dr. Ken Savage asked the board at what point do they resume, or make revisions to the current policy in regards to board advisory committees. He said the final decision rests on the board.

“How do we ensure the district and the board have diverse levels of information and board input that is truly data driven,” Savage said.

The recommendation from district staff is to keep the District Advisory Committee (DAC) and School Advisory Committee (SAC) going.

“That would be a recommendation we know we can support,” he said. “Those are pretty well established.”

Board Chair Sam Fisher said the issue is finding people to sign up, as well as operational issues with committees themselves.

“DAC committees have been very successful,” he said. “The participation has been extremely tough, especially trying to recruit people. Some of the committees went off track.”

Board member Jada Langford-Fleming said DAC is a great umbrella to serve all those committees. She said she has served on several committees and attendance is a huge issue.

Langford-Fleming said it is important to give back time to staff to do what is really important.

“For the last six years I have been here we have been trying to figure out what the committees are supposed to do,” Board member Debbie Jordan said. “The committees were supposed to be here for us. What would we like them to work on because they were on our advisory boards. We kind of failed as a board to try to figure out what we would like these committees to help us and give us the tools.”