Cape News
City, county and SWFWMD joint action plan possible to address water levels of the Mid Hawthorne Aquifer
Water levels in the Mid Hawthorne Aquifer continue to be a topic of concern for the city of Cape Coral, which has led to a joint action plan. Utilities Director Jeff Pearson said from Oct. 10 to Dec. 5, the city only received .81 inches of rain, almost 4 inches below normal of where they should be at this time of dry season. “The Mid Hawthorne Aquifer is currently hovering just about 90 feet in the aquifer, which is below the minimum developable limit, but it is above the MFL – the top of the aquifer,” Pearson said. There is currently work being done on a joint action plan between the city of Cape Coral, Lee County and the Southwest Florida Water Management District staff. He ...